William Spencer Howells (1889–1969), President of the Pharmaceutical Society (1942–1944)George J. D. Bruce (b.1930)
Royal Pharmaceutical Society Museum
Philip GriersonGeorge J. D. Bruce (b.1930)
Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge
Sir Reginald Verdon Smith, Council (1945–1986), Chairman of the Council (1949–1956), Pro-Chancellor (1965–1986), University Benefactor and Honorary FellowGeorge J. D. Bruce (b.1930)
University of Bristol
Sir James ‘Jimmy’ Shand (1908–2000), MusicianGeorge J. D. Bruce (b.1930)
National Galleries of Scotland, Scottish National Portrait Gallery
The Right Honourable Lord Hailey of Sharpur, PC, OM (Rhodes Trustee)George J. D. Bruce (b.1930)
The Rhodes Trust
David Jenkins (b.1925), Bishop of Durham (1984–1994)George J. D. Bruce (b.1930)