Portrait of an Unknown Officer of the 24th (South Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot

Image credit: The Regimental Museum of The Royal Welsh

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The portrait was painted at a very specific time in the history of the British Empire. Minorca was an island garrison in the 1750s, and an important strategic location in Britain’s incessant wars against France. There were about 2,500 British soldiers from five regiments on the island at this time, a situation that persisted until 1756 when it was surrendered to the French following the loss of a naval battle off the coast. This was a considerable setback to Britain and led to the court-martial and execution of Admiral John Byng for his 'failure to do his utmost' to defend Minorca. The work undoubtedly also has great regimental significance, as the 24th Regiment (the unit that later became the South Wales Borderers), is one of those proudly represented by this Museum.

The Regimental Museum of The Royal Welsh



Portrait of an Unknown Officer of the 24th (South Warwickshire) Regiment of Foot




oil on canvas


H 75 x W 63 cm

Accession number

BRCRM : 2019.50

Acquisition method

purchased by the Museum with grant aid from the Art Fund and with the assistance of the Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund

Work type



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The Regimental Museum of The Royal Welsh

The Barracks, Brecon, Powys LD3 7EB Wales

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