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Walking in Venice 1979 Michael Ginsborg (b.1943)Walking in Venice 1979 York Art Gallery
Orange Attack c.1960 Laimonis Mierins (1929–2011)Orange Attack c.1960 The University of York
Turnabout, Two Divisions II 1980 Michael Richard Ladd Canney (1923–1999)Turnabout, Two Divisions II 1980 Rugby Art Gallery and Museum
Man in a White Coat 1994 Toby Wiggins (b.1972)Man in a White Coat 1994 Falmouth University
Pavane 1979 Philip G. Duthie (b.1957)Pavane 1979 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
It Looks Grim 1980 Dennis John Ashbaugh (b.1946)It Looks Grim 1980 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Self Portrait No. 38 1996 Philip Akkerman (b.1957)Self Portrait No. 38 1996 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
Forms in Interior Lighting 1953 Merlyn Oliver Evans (1910–1973)Forms in Interior Lighting 1953 Rugby Art Gallery and Museum
Fish Hawker, Athens 1950 John Craxton (1922–2009)Fish Hawker, Athens 1950 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
MH/8 1970 Colin Cina (b.1943)MH/8 1970 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Relief 1963 Merlyn Oliver Evans (1910–1973)Relief 1963 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Untitled 1975 1975 John Walker (b.1939)Untitled 1975 1975 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Endless Configuration 1964 Kenneth Martin (1905–1984)Endless Configuration 1964 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Drawing 1982 1982 George Meyrick (b.1953)Drawing 1982 1982 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Small segment, red with black brush stroke 1988 Gera Urkom (b.1940)Small segment, red with black brush stroke 1988 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Interior 1981 Ken Oliver (b.1948)Interior 1981 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Untitled 1980–1981 Edward Whittaker (b.1948)Untitled 1980–1981 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Seated Woman and Cat 1946 Robert Colquhoun (1914–1962)Seated Woman and Cat 1946 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Henry VI Black and White 1971 Mark Lancaster (b.1938)Henry VI Black and White 1971 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
White Space with Blue Strip 1981 Ainslie Yule (b.1941)White Space with Blue Strip 1981 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre