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Luxembourg Toyshop c.1949 Stella Marsden (b.1921)Luxembourg Toyshop c.1949 Derbyshire & Derby School Library Service
Vesting Priest with Apparelled Amice 1991 Norman Charles Blamey (1914–2000)Vesting Priest with Apparelled Amice 1991 Southampton City Art Gallery
Reverend Henry Scougal (1650–1678) 1670–1730 John Scougal (1645–1730) (attributed to)Reverend Henry Scougal (1650–1678) 1670–1730 University of Aberdeen
Reverend Sir Henry Thompson 1845 unknown artistReverend Sir Henry Thompson 1845 Fareham Borough Council, Civic Offices
Rudolf of Hapsburg (1218–1291) and the Priest David Vinckeboons (1576–1632) (attributed to)Rudolf of Hapsburg (1218–1291) and the Priest Mount Edgcumbe House
The Beginning of the Pilgrimage of Grace Lincoln, 1537 Andrew Benjamin Donaldson (1840–1919)The Beginning of the Pilgrimage of Grace Lincoln, 1537 Usher Gallery
The Same Faith 1963 HemsThe Same Faith 1963 Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery
Reverend William Scoresby (1789–1857) Edwin Cockburn (1814–1873)Reverend William Scoresby (1789–1857) Whitby Museum
Looking at the Carnival 1881 Fosco Tricca (1856–1918)Looking at the Carnival 1881 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
'Richard III', Act II, Scene 4, the Duke of York Resigned by the Queen 1806 John Opie (1761–1807)'Richard III', Act II, Scene 4, the Duke of York Resigned by the Queen 1806 Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Bishop Alexander Cameron (1747–1828) c.1810 unknown artistBishop Alexander Cameron (1747–1828) c.1810 Scottish Catholic Archives
The Forum, Rome, with the Facade and Campanile of San Francesca Romana (Santa Maria Nuova) 1935 Quentin Bell (1910–1996)The Forum, Rome, with the Facade and Campanile of San Francesca Romana (Santa Maria Nuova) 1935 National Trust, Monk's House
Saint Francis 1963 James Fitton (1899–1982)Saint Francis 1963 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
The Very Reverend John Lamb 1956 William Oliphant Hutchison (1889–1970)The Very Reverend John Lamb 1956 University of Aberdeen
Devotion 1821 Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793–1872)Devotion 1821 Victoria and Albert Museum
The Dominie's Visit 1879 John Burr (1831–1893)The Dominie's Visit 1879 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
The Last Days of Byzantium 1958 Patrick Hayman (1915–1988)The Last Days of Byzantium 1958 New County Hall
'Measure for Measure', Act V, Scene 1, Isabella Appealing to the Duke 1907 Frederick William Davis (1862–1919)'Measure for Measure', Act V, Scene 1, Isabella Appealing to the Duke 1907 Royal Shakespeare Theatre
'As You Like It', Act IV, Scene 2 1907 Frederick William Davis (1862–1919)'As You Like It', Act IV, Scene 2 1907 Royal Shakespeare Theatre
'Henry VIII', Act IV, Scene 2, Cardinal Wolsey Entering the Abbey of Leicester early 19th C Richard Westall (1765–1836) (after)'Henry VIII', Act IV, Scene 2, Cardinal Wolsey Entering the Abbey of Leicester early 19th C Royal Shakespeare Theatre