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Creek Road, Deptford, London, 29 August 1952 1952 Noël Spencer (1900–1986)Creek Road, Deptford, London, 29 August 1952 1952 Museum of London
Roads to the Harbour 1979 William Hunter Littlejohn (1929–2006)Roads to the Harbour 1979 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
The Empty House 1934 Laurence Stephen Lowry (1887–1976)The Empty House 1934 The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery
Views in Limburg 1863 Lewis John Wood (1813–1901)Views in Limburg 1863 Victoria and Albert Museum
Queen's Park, Chesterfield, Derbyshire 1987 David Charlesworth (b.1954)Queen's Park, Chesterfield, Derbyshire 1987 Chesterfield Museum & Art Gallery
A Tinge of Yellow 1988 Jock McFadyen (b.1950)A Tinge of Yellow 1988 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Hand of Destiny No. 2 1969–1970 Brian Yale (1936–2009)Hand of Destiny No. 2 1969–1970 Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Silk Cut Jaguar 2 1988 Michael Turner (b.1934)Silk Cut Jaguar 2 1988 Jaguar Heritage
Gloucester Old Bank 1828 J. R. Orton (active 1828–1876)Gloucester Old Bank 1828 Museum of Gloucester
Foggy Day in Glasgow 1991 Thomas McGoran (b.1927)Foggy Day in Glasgow 1991 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
The Long Wait 1982 Rosemary Gabrielle Davies (1922–2016)The Long Wait 1982 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Graffiti Project 2006 (Littlemore Mental Health Centre) Staff & Service Users from the Rehabilitation UnitGraffiti Project 2006 Warneford Hospital
High Street, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire* 1973 J. C. HallamHigh Street, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire* 1973 Nottingham Central Library
View of a Town 1968 Peter Brannan (1926–1994)View of a Town 1968 Newark Town Hall Museum and Art Gallery
Oxford Circus Underground Station 1905 Maxwell Ashby Armfield (1881–1972)Oxford Circus Underground Station 1905 Government Art Collection
Piano and Fish 1960–1985 Rosy Long (b.1947)Piano and Fish 1960–1985 University of Aberdeen
Sutton High Street, Paragon Sweet Shop c.1974 Gordon H. Snelling (1910–2003)Sutton High Street, Paragon Sweet Shop c.1974 Sutton Central Library
'The Volunteer' Public House c.1970 S. Hubbold'The Volunteer' Public House c.1970 Hall Place and Gardens
The Centenary of the Royal Military Police 1977 Ken Howard (b.1932)The Centenary of the Royal Military Police 1977 Royal Military Police Museum
Pits to Peaks 1985 Chris Tunwell (b.1959) and Patients & Staff of the Occupational Therapy DeptPits to Peaks 1985 Chesterfield Royal Hospital