Anthony Schrag is a practising artist and researcher, and Senior Lecturer at Queen Margaret's University in Edinburgh. The central focus of his work examines the role of art in participatory and public contexts, with a specific focus on social conflict, agonism and ethics.
He leads on both the MA Arts, Festivals and Cultural Management and the MA Applied Arts and Social Practice and is a member of the Centre for Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Research Centre, leading the Practice Research Cluster: Finding and Using Creative Knowledge. He has worked nationally and internationally, including residencies in Iceland, the USA, Canada, Pakistan, Finland, The Netherlands and South Africa, among others. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and grants including the Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Hope Scott Trust, Creative Scotland, British Council, Royal Scottish Academy, the Dewar Arts Award, Standpoint Futures as well as a Henry Moore Artist Fellowship.
The artist Nathalie De Briey once referred to his practice as 'fearless'. The writer Marjorie Celona once said: 'Anthony, you have a lot of ideas. Not all of them are good.'
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