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The Kings Hall and College of Brasenose was founded in 1509 by Sir Richard Sutton, a lawyer, and William Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln. It is usually referred to as Brasenose or abbreviated to BNC. Brasenose is a charity whose purpose is to advance education, learning, religion and research, for the public benefit, through the provision, support and conduct of a perpetual College in the University of Oxford. Today Brasenose is a vibrant complex community with 370 undergraduates, 200 postgraduates, 40 Official Fellows, 35 lecturers, 120 staff and about 5,000 alumni. Brasenose is run by the Principal and the Governing Body which consists of about 40 Official or Professorial Fellows, who are also the trustees of the charity. The Governing Body delegates management of college to various committees (including the Academic Committee, the Estates & Finance Committee and the Development Committee) and Officers. The roles of each committee and the Officers are described in the By Laws. It is stressed that the paintings at Brasenose College are not in public ownership. In accordance with the charitable aims of the College, which is a private institution, we are including our paintings on this website to widen public awareness and for the benefit of scholarship. Limited areas of the College are open to tourists daily where they can walk around and view the Old Quad, the Hall, the Deer Park, and the Chapel. The College’s normal opening times are 10am–11.30am, Monday to Friday and 9.30am–11am, Saturday and Sunday. Afternoon opening times are Monday to Sunday at 2pm–4.30pm (5pm during British Summer time). Many of our paintings are displayed in the Hall, other paintings are in areas not open to the public. The non-public paintings can only be viewed by prior appointment. Please contact the Bursar’s PA on 01865 277871 or email: When contacting Mrs Jones please list the painting(s) you wish to view and she will then arrange a mutually convenient time.

Radcliffe Square, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 4JA England

01865 277830

Limited areas of the College are open to tourists daily where they can walk around and view the Old Quad, the Hall, the Deer Park, and the Chapel. The College’s normal opening times are 10am–11.30am, Monday to Friday and 9.30am–11am, Saturday and Sunday. Afternoon opening times are Monday to Sunday at 2pm–4.30pm (5pm during British Summer time). Many of our paintings are displayed in the Hall, other paintings are in areas not open to the public. The non-public paintings can only be viewed by prior appointment. Please contact the Bursar’s PA on 01865 277871 or email: When contacting Mrs Jones please list the painting(s) you wish to view and she will then arrange a mutually convenient time.