Derby Civic Treasures

Image credit: Eamon Curry, CC BY 2.0, (source: Flickr)

Currently closed

Public building in Derbyshire

4 artworks

More about

The Council House, Corporation Street, Derby, Derbyshire DE1 2FS England

01332 255482

The collection held by Derby City Council is currently in secure storage and not accessible to the public, whilst the Council House building undergoes a major two-year refurbishment programme from September 2010–September 2012. However, staff will be returning to the Council House on a phased return basis, which is anticipated to take place from September 2012, when the Civic Suite will be restored and paintings returned. At that point we will welcome the public, not only to view the paintings and tour the Civic Suite, but to see the transformation of the building as a whole and would welcome feedback to the changes. Official guided tours will be set at dates and times to suit the public, both during and after working hours as well as weekends, therefore it would be appreciated if those who are interested in visiting the Council House after September 2012, would contact The Mayor’s Office, after that time, for those set dates so that we can gauge interest and adjust group sizes accordingly.