Dunbeath Heritage Centre

Dunbeath Preservation Trust

Open to the public

Museum or gallery in Highland

4 artworks

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Dunbeath is on the south-east coast of Caithness. The Heritage Centre provides a focus for the work of Dunbeath Preservation Trust, and is a repository for local research, photographs and items of local material culture. It also functions as an exhibition and interpretation space, a venue for lectures and storytelling, and a gathering place for local people and visitors. The Trust was founded in 1985 by the then owner of Dunbeath Estate, the late R. Stanton Avery, 'to support efforts to explore, study, preserve and maintain' the unique natural and cultural heritage of Dunbeath and its strath in harmony with its ongoing contemporary community. Avery's bequest assists the long-term viability of the Trust and its Heritage Centre for the 'educational and other charitable purposes' he intended. Neil M. Gunn (1891–1973), one of Scotland's twentieth-century authors, who was born and grew up in Dunbeath, attended school in this building. The landscapes and seascapes of Dunbeath and its hinterland were his inspiration. There is one painting in the collection, that of R. Stanton Avery. It is permanently on display and generates interest in the 'sticky labels inventor' story and his Dunbeath legacy.

The Old School, Dunbeath, Highland KW6 6ED Scotland


01593 731233

The documentary collection is rotated on display, but the rest of the collection is primarily stored. A collections list is available in the museum and appointments can be made for access. Good permanent local photographic display. Open April–September: Sunday–Friday 10am–5pm; October–March: Monday–Thursday 11am–3pm. Other times by appointment.
