Usher Gallery

Image credit: Lincolnshire County Council / Andy Weekes

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The Usher Gallery is the only purpose built public art gallery in Lincolnshire and holds a diverse collection of fine and decorative arts and horology. The oils and acrylics range from the 16th century to the present day, and include works by Benjamin West, Joshua Reynolds, George Stubbs, Terry Frost, Craigie Aitchison and Susan Wilson.

The Gallery was opened in 1927 following a generous bequest to the City Corporation by James Ward Usher, a Lincoln businessman. His will stipulated that a gallery should be built to house and display the collection he brought together comprising silver, watches, miniatures and porcelain.

The fine art collection has since grown alongside the decorative arts with all the collections developing through gifts, bequests, purchases and commissions. Many have been supported by the generosity of grant-giving organisations and local people. Notable works include the portrait ‘Sir Joseph Banks’ by Benjamin West, ‘Maria van Wassenaer Hanecops’ by Michiel Jansz. van Miereveld and the contemporary piece 'Autumn Rings Andeuze, September 1971' by Terry Frost.

Lindum Hill, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN2 1NN England

01522 550990

The Usher Gallery displays collections of fine and decorative arts and horology, and hosts a programme of temporary exhibitions. Appointments may be made to view collections not on display.