(b Florence, 28 Mar. 1472; d Florence, 31 Oct. 1517). Florentine painter, a leading figure of the High Renaissance. He trained under Cosimo Rosselli and in about 1494 set up a joint workshop with Mariotto Albertinelli, who had been his fellow pupil. Little survives of his early work, and he is said to have destroyed his profane pictures and drawings under the influence of Girolamo Savonarola's fiery preaching against worldliness. He was greatly distressed by Savonarola's execution in 1498, and in 1500 he gave up painting and became a novice at the Dominican convent at Prato. The following year he took his vows, assumed the name Fra Bartolommeo, and moved to the convent of S. Marco in Florence (famous for its Fra Angelico paintings). In 1504 the prior of S.

Text source: The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists (Oxford University Press)

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