Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium, First World WarRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Royal Signals Museum
Lille Gate, Ypres, Belgium, First World WarRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Royal Signals Museum
A Sickly Young Woman Sits Covered Up on a Balcony; Death, a Ghostly Skeleton Clutching a Scythe and an Hourglass, Is Standing Next to Her; Representing TuberculosisRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
Crowded Dark Streets Full of Dead and Dying People, Bodies are Being Loaded on to a Cart; Representing CholeraRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Provocative Naked Young Woman Lying on a Bed; Death, a Cloaked Skeleton, Sits at Her Side, and a Naked Man Walks away from the Bed with His Head Bowed, towards a Throng of Diseased and Dying People; Representing SyphilisRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Giant Hand Roaming Through the Dark Streets of London, People and Rats Try to Escape Its Grasp; Representing Bubonic PlagueRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)
Wellcome Collection
A Ghostly Skeleton Trying to Strangle a Sick Child; Representing DiphtheriaRichard Tennant Cooper (1885–1957)