A Queen Dressed in Blue, Representing Mercury, in a Crowned Alchemical FlaskSalomon Trismosin
Wellcome Collection
A Prince, Clad in Gold, Succeeds the King; Representing a Stage in the Alchemical ProcessSalomon Trismosin (after)
Wellcome Collection
A Three-Headed Monster in an Alchemical Flask, Representing the Composition of the Alchemical Philosopher's Stone: Salt, Sulphur, and MercurySalomon Trismosin (after)
Wellcome Collection
A Three-Headed Eagle in a Crowned Alchemical Flask, Representing Mercury Sublimated Three TimesSalomon Trismosin (after)
Wellcome Collection
A Moon above a Queen Dressed in Blue, and a Sun above a King Dressed in Red; Representing Two Alchemical Principles: the Dissolving 'Lac Virginis' (Mercury) and the Coagulating Masculine Principle (Sulphur)Salomon Trismosin (after)
Wellcome Collection
A Black Man with a Red Head and Right Arm Emerges from a Foul Stream into a Landscape Where a Winged Woman Is Waiting for Him with a Red Garment; Representing the Transformations of the Alchemical Work from Corruption to PerfectionSalomon Trismosin (after)
Wellcome Collection
A Christ-Like Figure Seated in a Boiling Vat While a Man Works a Bellows beneath It; Representing the Process of Self-Destruction in Order to Attain the Elixir of LifeSalomon Trismosin (after)