- Artist: Evans, Vincent, 1896–1976 Remove
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Vincent Evans
Mr Stanley Williams Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Mr Stanley Williams Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
Family Life c.1935 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Family Life c.1935 Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
A Snack 1935 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)A Snack 1935 Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
At the Coalface Vincent Evans (1896–1976)At the Coalface Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
Repairing the Main Roadway 1942 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Repairing the Main Roadway 1942
Repairing Main Road 1936 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Repairing Main Road 1936 National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff
Portrait of a Man 1935 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Portrait of a Man 1935 National Museum Wales, Department of Industry
After the Blast c.1935 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)After the Blast c.1935 National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff
Derailed Coal Tram c.1941 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Derailed Coal Tram c.1941 University of South Wales Art Collection Museum
Propping after Blast 1935 Vincent Evans (1896–1976)Propping after Blast 1935 Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales