'All pass away as the glimmer of day while others as fleet are born'

Image credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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To the right of centre, sitting against a brick wall at the bottom of a steep grassy slope, is an old man. His hands are clasped on the top of his walking stick, his head resting on his hands. He has a grey moustache and wears a brown jacket, blue trousers, black boots and a blue overcoat around one shoulder and draping onto a leg. On his chest are several medals; he has a sad, vacant look on his face. Standing next to him is a young girl, in a pink dress with a hood and a white pinafore. At her feet is a basket of primroses and a small terrier dog. Another dog watches a horsedrawn wagon, loaded with a large tree trunk making its way into the distance. The girl's left arm is around the old man's shoulder in a comforting gesture. She looks across to the left of the scene, at a robin perched on a sapling twig; beneath it are the stump and wood shavings of a freshly-felled tree with a stack of logs nearby.

Wollaton Hall



'All pass away as the glimmer of day while others as fleet are born'




oil on canvas


H 111.8 x W 175.3 cm

Accession number

NCM 1889-7

Acquisition method

purchased from the artist, 1889

Work type


Normally on display at

Wollaton Hall

Wollaton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG8 2AE England

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