
© The Executors of the Frink Estate and Archive. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2023. Image credit: Tracy Jenkins / Art UK

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‘Boar’ was commissioned as a concrete sculpture in 1957 for Slacksbury Hatch. On completion, Harlow Art Trust decided to site the work at Bush Fair shopping precinct. The Trust usually nominated a member to oversee the commissioning process. In this instance it was Sir Frederick Gibberd, as he had had a relationship with Elisabeth Frink, having been commissioned to make the altar crucifix for Gibberd’s Liverpool Cathedral. A preliminary drawing of the altar crucifix can be seen at the Gibberd Gallery. On completion, the Trust was dissatisfied with the final work and initially withheld Frink’s fee. The work was modelled straight from the concrete and not cast as expected, although the Trust had not specified the work to be cast. The Trust insisted that Frink undertake a series of changes notably refinement of the surface and colour.






H 90 x W (?) x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

commissioned by Harlow Art Trust, 1957

Work type



Harlow Art Trust

Work status


Listing status

Grade II* (England and Wales)

Unveiling date


Listing date



at all times

Access note

the sculpture is set in the middle of pool – nearest possible proximity is two metres


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Located at

Water Gardens, Harlow

CM20 1AQ

Sited in the middle of the upper terrace pool.