Charles II (1630–1685)
Charles II (1630–1685)

Image credit: St Mary's Guildhall

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This painting is by a Mr Ellis 'the Limner', who is recorded as supplying three paintings to the corporation in the early 1680s, each of these being imitations of earlier originals. Little is known of the artist, though evidence exists to suggest he may once have been a pupil of Sir Godfrey Kneller, and there are certain similarities between this portrait and an early portarit of the King attributed to Kneller. The city of Coventry made an extravagent show of affection and loyalty to King Charles II upon his accession, but Charles had not forgotten how the Puritan city had denied entry to his father and his troops in 1642, and in 1662 he sent the Earl of Northampton to demolish the city walls.

St Mary’s Guildhall, Coventry



Charles II (1630–1685)




oil on canvas


H 236 x W 137 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased, 1691

Work type


Normally on display at

St Mary’s Guildhall, Coventry

Bayley Lane, Coventry, West Midlands CV1 5RN England

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