Christ on the Cross

Image credit: Torre Abbey Museum

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This is a copy of Van Dyck’s ‘Christ on the Cross’. This painting used to be much larger. When it was cleaned in 1985 the restorer found another unknown artist had added sections to the top and bottom after the centre was completed. These additions were comparatively crude and in poor condition so they were removed. This picture hung behind the chapel altar when the Carys lived at Torre Abbey. A family photograph shows it in this position in 1917 and it had probably been there for many years.

Torre Abbey Museum



Christ on the Cross


oil on canvas


H 165.8 x W 113 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from the Cary Family

Work type



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Torre Abbey Museum

Torre Abbey, The King's Drive, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5JE England

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