Cookmaid with Still Life of Vegetables and Fruit

Image credit: Tate

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'Cookmaid' and market scenes, popular in the seventeenth century, evolved in the Low Countries from a genre practised by Pieter Aertsen and his pupil Joachim Beuckalaer, which combined contemporary kitchen scenes with a New Testament episode beyond. Bacon could have seen such works on a visit he made to the Low Countries in 1613. An inventory of 1659 connected to the will of the artist's wife lists 'Ten Great peeces in Wainscote of fish and fowle &c done by S:r Nath: Bacon' (quoted in Gervase Jackson-Stops, ed., 'The Treasure Houses of Britain', exhibition catalogue, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC 1985, p.140). Two other 'Cookmaid' pictures are known to exist: 'Cookmaid with Still Life of Game' and 'Cookmaid with Still Life of Birds', both in the possession of the artist's descendants.

Tate Britain



Cookmaid with Still Life of Vegetables and Fruit




Oil on canvas


H 151 x W 247.5 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

Purchased with assistance from the Art Fund 1995

Work type



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Tate Britain

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