Curved Barn (The Barn)

© the artist's estate. Image credit: Pallant House Gallery, Chichester

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One of the earliest paintings by Hitchens, this takes as its subject the old barn at Bex Mill, Heyshott. The subject, however, was less important to the artist than the technique with which he depicted it, and he later described the painting as 'an essay in essential form and the dynamic relation of one plane to another.' Hitchens had read the writings of Roger Fry and Clive Bell on 'significant form' and had been awoken to an interest in Cézanne. Bell had asked in 1914, "Who has not, at least once in his life had a sudden vision of a landscape as pure form? For once instead of seeing it as fields and cottages he has felt it as lines and colours."

Pallant House Gallery



Curved Barn (The Barn)




oil on canvas


H 66 x W 98 cm

Accession number

CHCPH 0078

Acquisition method

presented by the artist in memory of Claude Flight, 1978

Work type


Inscription description

Hitchens 1922


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Pallant House Gallery

9 North Pallant, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1TJ England

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