Fred Uhlman (1901–1985)

Image credit: Hatton Gallery

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Kurt Schwitters, who escaped the Nazi regime of his native Germany in 1936, arrived in Britain in 1940. Here, as a German, he faced months of ‘enemy alien’ internment on the Isle of Man. Schwitters painted fellow internees, producing this portrait of Fred Uhlman. A significant artist in his own right, Uhlman was of Jewish origin and had also fled Germany. He was interned for six months on the Isle of Man before being released and reunited with his wife and baby, who had been born during his internment. Schwitters also worked on his renowned sculptural collage structures during his internment, alongside more conventional painting. Part of his final ‘Merzbarn’ is on permanent display in the Hatton Gallery.

Hatton Gallery

Newcastle upon Tyne


Fred Uhlman (1901–1985)




oil on canvas


H 70 x W 45 cm (E)

Accession number


Acquisition method

acquired from the sitter, 1974

Work type



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Hatton Gallery

The Quadrangle, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE1 7RU England

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