In Greenham Common Did the Peacemakers

© the artist. Image credit: Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London

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The artist says about this work: 'This was painted in the Regent Park home and House Gallery of Jenny Stein, former director of the Whitechapel Gallery and Riverside Studios. Jenny was not well and the artist was spending a lot of his time visiting, so he decided to ship the large canvas down from his home in North London, along with the many preparatory pieces. Some mornings the artist would arrive to find that Jenny had contributed a little to the canvas. She said that there was a lot of paint left on the palette and that Leon Kossuth, her good friend, had said never to waist paint. The elderly woman with her hand to her face is the artist's mother.'

Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre



In Greenham Common Did the Peacemakers




oil on canvas


H 183.5 x W 251.5 cm

Accession number

AC 5267

Acquisition method

purchased from Blond Fine Art, 1983

Work type



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Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre

Belvedere Road, London, Greater London SE1 8XX England

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