Marchese Niccolò Maria Pallavicini Guided to the Temple of Virtue by Apollo, with a Self Portrait of the Artist

Image credit: National Trust Images

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This picture celebrates the glory of Niccolò Maria Pallavicini (1650–1714), a well-known patron of the arts in Rome. Wearing an heroic red robe, the Marchese is receiving an apotheosis. He is guided by Apollo, who is pointing the way to the Temple of Virtù. Above him an angel (or 'Glory') hovers with a laurel branch and a pipe. The artist, wearing the Papal Order of Christ cross around his neck, sits in front of a canvas with his paintbrush at the ready. Behind him are the Three Graces and beyond the figure of Pallas is instructing Fame to inscribe the Marchese's name in letters of gold on her shield.

The painting was bought by Horace Mann from Pallavicini's heirs, the Marchesi Arnaldi, in Florence in 1758, for Henry Hoare II. William Kent was simultaneously acquiring pictures from the same collection for Sir Nathaniel Curzon, 1st Baron Scarsdale, now at Kedleston Hall (a property in the care of the National Trust).

National Trust, Stourhead



Marchese Niccolò Maria Pallavicini Guided to the Temple of Virtue by Apollo, with a Self Portrait of the Artist




oil on canvas


H 299.5 x W 212 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

gift from Sir Henry Hugh Arthur Hoare along with the estate, house and its contents, 1946

Work type



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National Trust, Stourhead

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