Monkeys and Dogs Playing

Image credit: Tate

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Barlow is the earliest known British-born animal painter. He began a tradition that reached a high-point in the work of George Stubbs a century later. During Barlow’s lifetime animal paintings were still largely associated with decorative arts and the interior design of houses. This painting, like many animal pictures, was probably produced to hang over a door. The spaniels shown here may be portraits of particular dogs, so the painting may have been commissioned by their owner. Wealthy families often kept exotic pets as well, and the African monkeys may highlight the patron’s cultivated affluence.

Tate Britain



Monkeys and Dogs Playing




Oil on canvas


H 105.5 x W 132 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

Purchased with assistance from the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1989

Work type



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Tate Britain

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