Portrait of Chris Ogidih

© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images. Image credit: British Council Collection

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Craigie Aitchison preferred models for his portraits, rather than friends or family, and black models were a mainstay, because, as he said, he liked the colour. Favourite sitters included Gorgeous Macauley, who sat for some 14 years in the 1960s and '70s; the fashion journalist Lendel Scott-Ellis; Chicago the octogenarian former boxer; Naaotwa Swayne, the wife of a friend, composer Giles Swayne, and Comfort in the 1990s. Unlike the pale slivers of Christ in his many crucifixions, the portraits are often full-frontal and solid in presence. This portrait endows Chris Ogidih with the assertive clarity and serene disposition of an ancient kouros. Aitchison has defined his subject against pure colour, eliminating unnecessary information: 'In a portrait you're trying to get the person opposite you onto the canvas.

British Council Collection



Portrait of Chris Ogidih




oil on canvas


H 50.8 x W 40.6 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased from Timothy Taylor Gallery, 1999

Work type


Inscription description

top turnover of canvas: Craigie Aitchison. 1998. "Chris Ogidih"


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British Council Collection

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