- People: List Of Provosts And Lord Provosts Of Aberdeen Remove
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Margaret Smith, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 2002 Jennifer McRae (b.1959)Margaret Smith, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 2002 Aberdeen City Council Collection
James A. Lamond, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1970–1971) 1974 Ian Fleming (1906–1994)James A. Lamond, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1970–1971) 1974 Aberdeen City Council Collection
John M. Graham, CBE, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1957 William Oliphant Hutchison (1889–1970)John M. Graham, CBE, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1957 Aberdeen City Council Collection
William Fraser, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1977–1978) 1983 Alberto Morrocco (1917–1998)William Fraser, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1977–1978) 1983 Aberdeen City Council Collection
Dr Margaret Farquhar, CBE, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1999 Alexander Fraser (b.1940)Dr Margaret Farquhar, CBE, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1999 Aberdeen City Council Collection
James Wyness, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1996 Alexander Fraser (b.1940)James Wyness, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1996 Aberdeen City Council Collection
George Stephen, CBE, LLD, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1955–1961) 1962 Henry Marvell Carr (1894–1970)George Stephen, CBE, LLD, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1955–1961) 1962 Aberdeen City Council Collection
Alec Collie, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1985 Joseph Byres Edwards (1933–2000)Alec Collie, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1985 Aberdeen City Council Collection
Sir Alexander Anderson of Blelack, Provost of Aberdeen (1859–1865) c.1872 George Reid (1841–1913)Sir Alexander Anderson of Blelack, Provost of Aberdeen (1859–1865) c.1872 Aberdeen City Council Collection
Peter Esslemont, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1880–1882) c.1900 Robert Brough (1872–1905)Peter Esslemont, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1880–1882) c.1900 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Sir James Taggart, KBE, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1914–1919) 1917 Ambrose McEvoy (1878–1927)Sir James Taggart, KBE, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1914–1919) 1917 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Henry Rae, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1984–1988) c.1988 Alexander Fraser (b.1940)Henry Rae, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1984–1988) c.1988 Aberdeen City Council Collection
John Reynolds, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 2006 Stephen Shankland (b.1971)John Reynolds, Lord Provost of Aberdeen 2006 Aberdeen City Council Collection
Robert Robertson, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1988–1992) 1993 Alexander Fraser (b.1940)Robert Robertson, Lord Provost of Aberdeen (1988–1992) 1993 Aberdeen City Council Collection