Berlin in Pink c.2006 Louiza HolnbBerlin in Pink c.2006 Grimsby School of Art
Halifax Mk111 HX333 NP-J of 158 Squadron Flight on Operation to Berlin R. M.Halifax Mk111 HX333 NP-J of 158 Squadron Flight on Operation to Berlin Yorkshire Air Museum
Berlin with Cars c.2006 Louiza HolnbBerlin with Cars c.2006 Grimsby School of Art
Fehrbelliner Platz, Berlin 1933 Martin Bloch (1883–1954)Fehrbelliner Platz, Berlin 1933 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
Berlin Diptych: Look and Listen 1993 Lys Hansen (b.1936)Berlin Diptych: Look and Listen 1993 Maclaurin Art Gallery at Rozelle House
Berlin Blues 6 1966 William Scott (1913–1989)Berlin Blues 6 1966 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Checkpoint Alpha 1973 M. C. LeachCheckpoint Alpha 1973 Royal Military Police Museum
The Presentation of the New Colours to the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 1 August 1970 (Minden Day), Maifeld, West Berlin,... c.1970 unknown artistThe Presentation of the New Colours to the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, 1 August 1970 (Minden Day), Maifeld, West Berlin, Germany c.1970 The Fusilier Museum Warwick