Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 4* 2003 Donna Jones (active 2002–2003)Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 4* 2003 South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Training Centre
Mary Anderson (1859–1940), New York 1885 Johnstone Forbes-Robertson (1853–1937)Mary Anderson (1859–1940), New York 1885 Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Siren (New York) 1971 Neil Dallas Brown (1938–2003)Siren (New York) 1971 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Over Central Park, New York, Evening 1957 Nan Youngman (1906–1995)Over Central Park, New York, Evening 1957 Derbyshire & Derby School Library Service
New York 1955 Fred Uhlman (1901–1985)New York 1955 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 1* c.2002 Donna Jones (active 2002–2003)Ground Zero, 9/11 No. 1* c.2002 South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Training Centre
Fire Hydrant, N. Y. 1968 Norman Stevens (1937–1988)Fire Hydrant, N. Y. 1968 Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
New York 1984 Margaret McNabNew York 1984 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
New York, Evening 1964 Molly Parkin (b.1932)New York, Evening 1964 Brighton and Hove Museums and Art Galleries
New York Buildings 2003 Matthew Wyatt (b.1975)New York Buildings 2003 The Mercer Art Gallery, Harrogate