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St Ives Harbour John Anthony Park (1880–1962)St Ives Harbour St Ives Guildhall
Low Tide, Arbroath 1954 John P. Aiken (1919–1966)Low Tide, Arbroath 1954 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Starleyburn Harbour 1877 Andrew Young (1854–1925)Starleyburn Harbour 1877 Fife Council
Sark Harbour, Channel Islands 1962 Pamela Nash (b.1925)Sark Harbour, Channel Islands 1962 University of Aberdeen
St Ives Harbour 1987 W. G. FirthSt Ives Harbour 1987 Royal Cornwall Hospital
Ship Being Towed into Harbour Richard Weatherill (1844–1923)Ship Being Towed into Harbour Whitby Museum
Waterfront 1995 Margi Cochran (b.1925)Waterfront 1995 Kirkleatham Museum
Harbour Mouth, Newlyn 1978 Joan Gillchrest (1918–2008)Harbour Mouth, Newlyn 1978 St Michael's Hospital
St Ives Fish Sale William Edward Narraway (1915–1979)St Ives Fish Sale St Ives Guildhall
Mousehole, Cornwall 1928 Christopher Wood (1901–1930)Mousehole, Cornwall 1928 Craven Museum & Gallery, Roebuck Collection
St Ives Harbour (All Round) Bryan Pearce (1929–2007)St Ives Harbour (All Round) Royal Cornwall Museum
A North-Easter, North Berwick, East Lothian 1874 James Cassie (1819–1879)A North-Easter, North Berwick, East Lothian 1874 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
The Porth, Portscatho 1999 Christopher Insoll (b.1956)The Porth, Portscatho 1999 Gerrans Heritage Centre
Fishing Boat 1966 Alan Lowndes (1921–1978)Fishing Boat 1966 New County Hall
Boats in a Bay 1966 George Stephen (active c.1966)Boats in a Bay 1966 Imperial Health Charity Art Collection
Whitby Harbour 1886 John William Whiteley (1860–1936)Whitby Harbour 1886 Pannett Art Gallery
Two Sailing Ships off a Harbour Entrance 1925 Thomas Frank (active 1921–c.1925)Two Sailing Ships off a Harbour Entrance 1925 York Castle Museum
Storm in Whitby Harbour c.1890 Edwin Ellis (1842–1895)Storm in Whitby Harbour c.1890 Pannett Art Gallery
The Haven under the Hill c.1870 Richard Weatherill (1844–1923)The Haven under the Hill c.1870 Pannett Art Gallery
Loss of the Steam Boat 'Brilliant' 1839 J. Faddie (active 1826–1839)Loss of the Steam Boat 'Brilliant' 1839 Aberdeen Maritime Museum