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Cirencester Market Place, Gloucestershire 1919 Ebenezer Barnard (1841–1914/1919)Cirencester Market Place, Gloucestershire 1919 Bingham Gallery
Saltmarket, Glasgow c.1970 Anda Paterson (b.1935)Saltmarket, Glasgow c.1970 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Threshing Drum 1 William Cave Day (1862–1924)Threshing Drum 1 Museum of Lincolnshire Life
Chapel Street Corner, Luton, Bedfordshire 1889 A. C. Higgins (active 1888–1899) and E. K. Higgins (active 1888–1899)Chapel Street Corner, Luton, Bedfordshire 1889 Luton Town Hall
Ware High Street in the Nineteenth Century 2006 Denise Kay Allen (b.1966)Ware High Street in the Nineteenth Century 2006 Ware Museum
Manningham Fruit Shop (Oak Lane) 1994 Frank Johnson (1917–1998)Manningham Fruit Shop (Oak Lane) 1994 Bradford Museums and Galleries
Harvest Time 2004 Patricia Njeiu NjeriHarvest Time 2004 Catmose College
Stevedores, Marseilles 1929 Charles Ernest Cundall (1890–1971)Stevedores, Marseilles 1929 Southampton City Art Gallery
Bosnian Harvest 1994 Peter Howson (b.1958)Bosnian Harvest 1994 Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery
His Daily Ration 1946 Charles Spencelayh (1865–1958)His Daily Ration 1946 Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery
Chicken Boy 1931 Gilbert Spencer (1892–1979)Chicken Boy 1931 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Tamar Street, Saltash c.1905 Agnes Hope Fynmore (b.c.1868)Tamar Street, Saltash c.1905 Saltash Heritage Museum and Local History Centre
Bucks Mills, Devon 1881 Alfred Frederick William Hayward (1856–1939)Bucks Mills, Devon 1881 Burton Art Gallery and Museum
The Post Box* 1904 Ralph Hedley (1848–1913)The Post Box* 1904 The Mansion House, Newcastle upon Tyne
Street Scene 1931 Philip Naviasky (1894–1983)Street Scene 1931 Pannett Art Gallery
La blanchisseuse 1935 Michael Salaman (1911–1987)La blanchisseuse 1935 Government Art Collection
Miners 1984 David S. Prudhoe (1948–2009)Miners 1984 National Coal Mining Museum for England
Barn at Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire 1968 Miles Balmford Sharp (1897–1973)Barn at Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire 1968 Leicestershire County Council Museums Service
Carting Grain Inside the Store 1963 Ann MacFarlaneCarting Grain Inside the Store 1963 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
Sailmaker's Dream 1981 Mark PriorSailmaker's Dream 1981 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University