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Mestre, near Venice 1881 William Logsdail (1859–1944)Mestre, near Venice 1881 Usher Gallery
Changing Wall 2006 Eleanor Warren (b.1983)Changing Wall 2006 Coventry University
Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, View from the Lawn, with Figures in Sunlight and Shade 1944 Arthur Spooner (1873–1962)Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, View from the Lawn, with Figures in Sunlight and Shade 1944 Nottinghamshire County Hall
King Street, Kingston, Jamaica Nan Youngman (1906–1995)King Street, Kingston, Jamaica Government Art Collection
Concrete Cabin 1991–1992 Peter Doig (b.1959)Concrete Cabin 1991–1992 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
The Yellow Parasol 1935 Lotte Laserstein (1898–1993)The Yellow Parasol 1935 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
Cassis, France 1927 Christopher Wood (1901–1930)Cassis, France 1927 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Courtyard in Spain 1927–1929 Christopher HallCourtyard in Spain 1927–1929 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Noonday 1836–1850 John James Wilson (1818–1875)Noonday 1836–1850 University of Aberdeen
Bough, Linford Wood, Buckinghamshire 1980 Melvyn Chantrey (b.1945)Bough, Linford Wood, Buckinghamshire 1980 Milton Keynes Civic Offices
The Way through the Woods c.1985 Peter Campbell (1931–1989)The Way through the Woods c.1985 West Suffolk Heritage Service
The Reader 1972 David Tindle (b.1932)The Reader 1972 University of Leicester
View of Meknes, Morocco 1935 James McBey (1883–1959)View of Meknes, Morocco 1935 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Ouarzazate, Morocco c.1935 James McBey (1883–1959)Ouarzazate, Morocco c.1935 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Youth c.1936 Henry Young Alison (1889–1972)Youth c.1936 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Landscape with Lillington Church, Warwickshire, in the Background 1918 Frederick William Newton Whitehead (1853–1938)Landscape with Lillington Church, Warwickshire, in the Background 1918 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
The Upas, or Poison-Tree, in the Island of Java c.1820 Francis Danby (1793–1861)The Upas, or Poison-Tree, in the Island of Java c.1820 Victoria and Albert Museum
Long Blue Painting c.1962 John Langton (b.1932)Long Blue Painting c.1962 The University of York
Lyndon Lodge Henry Scott Tuke (1858–1929)Lyndon Lodge Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society
The Only Shade in Ile Aride, Seychelles c.1883 Marianne North (1830–1890)The Only Shade in Ile Aride, Seychelles c.1883 Marianne North Gallery