Spaniels in a Barn Interior

Image credit: Torre Abbey Museum

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Armfield is regarded as one of England’s finest animal artists. He particularly liked to paint sporting dogs such as hounds, terriers and spaniels, which he depicted with remarkable skill and charm. He was well known for his fondness of and remarkable influence over animals. His house was full of them and included his famous bull terrier named ‘Billy’.

At the same time, he was an ardent sportsman who loved hunting and racing. In the background of this painting you can see numerous hunting instruments like the horn and gun. When his eyesight began to fail with old age he was reduced to working on small canvases with the aid of a powerful lens.

Torre Abbey Museum



Spaniels in a Barn Interior


oil on canvas


H 24.3 x W 29.4 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

bequeathed by Mr G. H. Earle, 1936

Work type



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Torre Abbey Museum

Torre Abbey, The King's Drive, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5JE England

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