The Establishment of the Flemish Weavers in Manchester, 1363

Image credit: Manchester Art Gallery

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Reduced version of a mural painting depicting an imaginary incident, standing for the introduction of the textile industry. Queen Phillipa of Hainault, wife of Edward III is shown visiting Manchester, arriving on horseback surrounded by ladies in waiting, to the left. The queen and her assistants hold branches of flowering blossom. Weavers show the queen samples of their cloth while a page holds the reins of her horse and children watch from their seat on steps of a memorial in the foreground. To the right, two weavers sit at their loom under wooden canopy. The older of the two looks across to the queen while the younger looks across towards a young woman playing with a kitten in her hands. Two dogs tied together stand at the feet of the page, one confronting a cat on the right.

Manchester Art Gallery



The Establishment of the Flemish Weavers in Manchester, 1363




tempera on panel


H 49 x W 79 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

bequeathed by George Beatson Blair, 1947

Work type


Inscription description

Signed blc (monogram) : FMB - 88


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Manchester Art Gallery

Manchester Art Gallery, Mosley Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester M2 3JL England

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