The Orphan
The Orphan

Image credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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A landscape with sheep and a shepherd. On the right of the picture is a bearded shepherd, dressed in a battered hat, with a dark jacket and trousers, sacking tied around his shoulders, sheepskin tied around his legs, and thick hobnailed walking boots. His shepherd's crook rests against his elbow. In his right hand he holds a bottle wrapped in a white cloth, which he unwraps, in order to feed the orphan lamb at his feet. Behind the shepherd is a flock of long-haired sheep grazing among the rocky marshland; birds fly over their heads. Amongst the boulders grow marshland shrubs and reeds. In the foreground on the left is a small pool. In the distance on the right is a cart track, with a donkey and a figure. The background shows a lake, with mountains and a low-lying island beyond.

Nottingham City Museums

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The Orphan




oil on canvas


H 88.9 x W 152.4 cm

Accession number

NCM 1913-61

Acquisition method

purchased from Christie's from the sale of the property of George McCullock, 1913

Work type


Inscription description
