The Wreckers

Image credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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A coastal scene with, in the foreground on the left, a group of men salvaging gear from a ship that has run aground on the rocks in a stormy sea. On the left is a man, obviously injured, lying back on a pile of bundles, his shirt torn open at the chest. Above him, a man unloads bundles of luggage from the cart. There are barrels and boxes strewn around on the rocks. Two men are standing in the cart; one holds his hat on against the wind, and looks at the wrecked ship, while the other pulls up a bundle passed to him from below. On the right, two men pull on a rope to retrieve a bundle in the waves. A stormy, cloudy sky lowers in the distance on the right, while a rocky cliffside occupies the left background of the picture.

Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery



The Wreckers




oil on canvas


H 50.8 x W 68.6 cm

Accession number

NCM 1904-53

Acquisition method

bequeathed by Mr Richard Godson Millns, 1904

Work type


Normally on display at

Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery

Friar Lane, off Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG1 6EL England

Not all locations are open to the public. Please contact the gallery or collection for more information
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