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This drawing and cat. No. 26553i are both by the same sixteenth-century Italian hand, perhaps from the circle of Bartolomeo Passarotti. Each figure is seen from a slightly different view as if drawn while turning in space. The half-bent legs suggest that these figures were ultimately made after suspended corpses. Only the right half of the figure on the left of this sheet and that of the figure on the right of cat. No. 26553i has been drawn, a method of presentation frequently seen in early anatomical drawings. There are several drawings of varying quality related to the four figures depicted in this pair of sheets, all attributed to different sixteenth-century artists. They provide an illustration of how anatomical drawings in this period in Italy circulated and were copied as learning exercises.
Two Ecorchés, Facing Right
16th C
pen & brown ink on paper (?)
H 42.9 x W 27.9 cm
Accession number
Acquisition method
purchased by the Wellcome Library, 1982
Work type
Drawing & watercolour