Vase of Flowers with Three Putti

Image credit: Kinloch Castle, Rum (NatureScot)

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A large vase of lilies, peonies and other flowers form the background to this oil painted on a single wood panel mounted in a simple white frame. It portrays three putti (chubby, wingless, naked male infants), the right one sitting on a stone step blowing bubbles through a long straw held in his right hand. Leaning slightly back, his left elbow supports him on the next step up, while his hand holds a bowl of soap suds. Standing, facing him on the same level, his companion on his extreme left extends his right hand to catch the bubble. The third putti stands one step higher, gently clutching at the colourful blooms. Described as of the 'Continental School’, the painting bears much similarity to the painting 'Putti Blowing Bubbles' by the French artist, François Boucher (1703–1770).

Kinloch Castle, Rum (Scottish Natural Heritage)

Isle of Rum


Vase of Flowers with Three Putti


19th C


oil on panel


H 195 x W 114 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased as part of the Bullough Estate, 1957

Work type



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Kinloch Castle, Rum (Scottish Natural Heritage)

Isle of Rum, Highland PH43 4RR Scotland

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