Doddington Hall

Image credit: Jerzy Kociatkiewicz, CC BY-SA 2.0, (source: Flickr)

Visit by appointment

Historic house or home in Lincolnshire

1 artworks

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The painting entitled 'The Earl and Countess of Mexborough with Their Son, Lord Pollington (1719–1778)' shows them in their robes for the coronation of George III. Painted in c.1763 by Sir Joshua Reynolds it was commissioned as a gift to Lady Mexborough's brother, John Hussey Delaval. It has been in position at the far end of the 30m Long Gallery at Doddington Hall since at least 1786 when it is recorded in an inventory of the house. The painting was given to the Government in 1973 in Lieu of Inheritance Taxation and remains on public view under the terms of the agreement.

Doddington, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN6 4RU England

01522 694 308

The painting is on view permanantly in the Long Gallery at Doddington Hall. Open to the public on Wednesdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays between Easter and the end of Spetember. Please see website for exact dates and times. Private group visits at other times by appointment.