St Bartholomew’s Hospital Museum and Archive
John Prescott Knight (1803–1881)
Oswald Moser (1874–1953)
Godfrey Kneller (1646–1723)
Edward Onslow Ford (1852–1901)
John Everett Millais (1829–1896)
Hans Holbein the younger (c.1497–1543)
Philip Tennyson Cole (1862–1939)
William Alexander Dargie (1912–2003)
Thomas Murray (1663–1735)
William Nicholson (1872–1949)
Venues in Central London
A David Bomberg Legacy – The Sarah Rose Collection at London South Bank University, Borough Road
Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre
Bank of England Museum
Barts Hospital
Birkbeck, University of London
British Council Collection
British Dental Association Dental Museum
British Library
British Museum
British Red Cross Museum and Archives