St Mary's Church

Image credit: James Bettley

Open to the public

Religious centre in Essex

1 artworks

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Although The Constable Trust was originally conceived in order to rescue a particular painting at St Mary's Church, the Trustees decided to broaden the objects of the Trust so that it could 'acquire, preserve, protect and display for the benefit of the public, works of art having a relationship with East Anglia'. Saving 'The Ascension' by John Constable became the Trust’s first project. Through the generosity of many grant making trusts and private individuals the £75,000 required to acquire the painting, have it expertly conserved at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge, and display it in St Mary’s Church, Dedham, was gradually raised. Works of art often come on to the market but few are as intimately associated with a place as 'The Ascension'. However, there are many which have been dispersed, that by virtue of their connection with East Anglia, should more properly have remained in this region. The Constable Trust was established to acquire such items and to display them in appropriate settings.

High Street, Dedham, Colchester, Essex CO7 6DE England

01206 392717

The painting is on permanent display in St Mary's Church, Dedham.