Waid Academy

Image credit: James Allan, CC BY-SA 2.0 (source: Geograph)

Currently closed

Educational institution in Fife

4 artworks

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The Waid Academy was opened in September 1886 on its present site and is a non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive secondary school. There are several main blocks of buildings at the Academy, each of a different architectural style. In recent years a number of hutted classrooms have been provided to cope with the ever-rising roll. The school enjoys a good reputation, and there is a rich and varied extra-curricular programme. A new Sports Centre was opened at the school in August 2003 and new playing fields, including all-weather floodlit facilities, are on site. The school's paintings cover the range of the school's heritage, from portraits of its founder, Andrew Waid (1736–1804), to a contemporary landscape by a former member of staff.

St Andrews Road, Anstruther, Fife KY10 3HD Scotland


01334 659404

The collection is not open to the public.
