Chevalier Brightman (d.1902)

Image credit: North Tyneside Council

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Chevalier Henry Anson Brightman was ennobled by the Emperor of Austria for his contribution, while Austro-Hungarian Consul, to famine relief fund-raising. Brightman lived at North Shields from 1847 until his death in 1902. He helped to form the Tyne Commission, which wrested control of the lower reaches of the river from Newcastle Corporation and deepened the channel to make it accessible to all vessels, increasing the prosperity of North Tyneside. He also obtained a Custom House at North Shields, so bringing more trade to the lower riparian district. His house in North Shields,'The Moorings', is in what is now called Brightman Road. Frank Stanley Ogilvie was one of the leading painters working in the Cullercoats Artists' Colony, and he exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy between 1888 and 1915.

Quadrant, North Tyneside Council

North Tyneside


Chevalier Brightman (d.1902)


oil on canvas


H 60 x W 50 cm

Accession number


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Quadrant, North Tyneside Council

The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, Tyne and Wear NE27 0BY England

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