Jemadar Abdul Hafiz (1925–1944), VC, 9th Jat Regiment, 1944

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Abdul Hafiz was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his gallant action at Imphal, Burma, on 6 April 1944. The citation in 'The London Gazette' concluded:

‘The inspiring leadership and great bravery displayed by Jemadar Abdul Hafiz in spite of having been twice wounded, once mortally, so encouraged his men that the position was captured, casualties inflicted on the enemy to an extent several times the size of his own party, and enemy arms recovered on the position which included three Lewis Machine-guns, two grenade dischargers and two officers' swords. The complete disregard for his own safety and his determination to capture and hold
the position at all costs was an example to all ranks, which it would be difficult to equal.’

National Army Museum



Jemadar Abdul Hafiz (1925–1944), VC, 9th Jat Regiment, 1944




oil on canvas


H 51 x W 41 cm

Accession number

NAM. 1966-10-38

Acquisition method

gift from Brigadier B. C. H. Gerty, 1966

Work type



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National Army Museum

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