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'Pour nous prouver que cette belle' to be a transitional composition, c.1716–1717, between Watteau’s 'The Concert' (c.1715–1716; Berlin, Charlottenburg) and 'Les charmes de la vie' (Watteau P410). The same seated woman in profile appears as in the former, and the same musician as in the latter, although here he plays a theorbo. The verses which accompanied Surugue’s 1719 engraving of the picture explained:
'To prove that this beauty
Finds the marriage knot sweet
The painter has shown her faithful
Following the music of her husband.
These children around her
Are the fruits of her tender love
Which this handsome student may well taste one day.'

The Wallace Collection



Pour nous prouver que cette belle




oil on pine panel with walnut strips


H 16.1 x W 19.9 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

acquired by Richard Seymour-Conway, 4th Marquess of Hertford, 1856; bequeathed to the nation by Lady Wallace, 1897

Work type



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The Wallace Collection

Hertford House, Manchester Square, London, Greater London W1U 3BN England

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