- Artist: Adler, Jankel, 1895–1949 Remove
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Jankel Adler
Polish painter. He was born at Tuszyn, near Łódź, and studied in Germany at the School of Arts and Crafts in Barmen (now part of Wuppertal), 1913–14.
Text Source: A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press)
Portrait of a Woman Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Portrait of a Woman Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Still Life Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Still Life Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Wounded Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Wounded Ben Uri Gallery & Museum
Composition Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Composition Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
The Mutilated 1942–3 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)The Mutilated 1942–3 Tate Britain
Woman with a Cat 1944 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Woman with a Cat 1944 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
No Man's Land 1943 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)No Man's Land 1943 Tate
Composition 1925–1949 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Composition 1925–1949 Manchester Art Gallery
Reclining Nude 1940s Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Reclining Nude 1940s Pallant House Gallery
Woman with Hat 1940 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Woman with Hat 1940 Tate
Hommage à Naum Gabo (Homage to Naum Gabo) 1946 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Hommage à Naum Gabo (Homage to Naum Gabo) 1946 National Galleries of Scotland, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
The Poet Jankel Adler (1895–1949)The Poet
Composition c.1943 Jankel Adler (1895–1949)Composition c.1943 Swindon Museum and Art Gallery