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Blue Geometric Abstract 2005 Michele Elizabeth Field (1953–2014)Blue Geometric Abstract 2005 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Tow Path Study 1991 Allen Fisher (b.1944)Tow Path Study 1991 Hereford Museum and Art Gallery
666 c.2005 Mary Anita Virginia Wood (b.1945)666 c.2005 Birmingham City University
Sign 1968 Michael Woods (b.1933)Sign 1968 Norfolk Museums Service
Thinking about Women 1961–1962 Allen Jones (b.1937)Thinking about Women 1961–1962 Norfolk Museums Service
The Old Man of Hoy 1971 Iain Patterson (b.1946)The Old Man of Hoy 1971
Still Life with Patchwork Pieces, Whistle and Peas 2006 Jane Poulton (b.1957)Still Life with Patchwork Pieces, Whistle and Peas 2006 Hospital Arts for North East Yorkshire
Panel for the Safe of a Great Millionaire 1936–1937 Wyndham Lewis (1882–1957)Panel for the Safe of a Great Millionaire 1936–1937 University of Hull Art Collection
Quartet 1968 Lionel March (b.1934)Quartet 1968 University of Hull Art Collection
Berkshire Landscape John Keith Vaughan (1912–1977)Berkshire Landscape Kirklees Museums and Galleries
Fecundity Richard Rainer (b.1933)Fecundity Museums Sheffield
Painting 1956 John Wells (1907–2000)Painting 1956 Tate
Landscape Study (Etude de paysage) 1952 Nicolas de Staël (1914–1955)Landscape Study (Etude de paysage) 1952 Tate
Provence I 1957 Gustave Singier (1909–1984)Provence I 1957 Tate
Gift 1961–2 Kenneth Noland (1924–2010)Gift 1961–2 Tate
Roads to the Harbour 1979 William Hunter Littlejohn (1929–2006)Roads to the Harbour 1979 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Box, Grey Square Ian McKenzie Smith (b.1935)Box, Grey Square Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Take Five 1962 Antony Donaldson (b.1939)Take Five 1962 Tate
Composition, Blue, Black and Brown 1952 Adrian Heath (1920–1992)Composition, Blue, Black and Brown 1952 Tate
-12° 1956 Alfred Manessier (1911–1993)-12° 1956 Tate
Through Blacks 1969 Terry Frost (1915–2003)Through Blacks 1969 Tate
Brown and Yellow c.1951–2 Terry Frost (1915–2003)Brown and Yellow c.1951–2 Tate
February 1954 1954 Roger Hilton (1911–1975)February 1954 1954 Tate
Fable 1982 Paul Huxley (b.1938)Fable 1982 Tate
Red, Blue and Black* 1985 Peter Podmore (b.1942)Red, Blue and Black* 1985 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Shapes in Movement Kenneth Rowntree (1915–1997)Shapes in Movement Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Diminishing Circle 1963 Laurence Leeson (1930–1997)Diminishing Circle 1963 Keele University Art Collection
Braque Curtain 2005 Patrick Caulfield (1936–2005)Braque Curtain 2005 Tate Britain
The First Real Target 1961 Peter Blake (b.1932)The First Real Target 1961 Tate Modern
The Harp 1979 Michael Ginsborg (b.1943)The Harp 1979 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
Terrace 1982–1983 Roy Bizley (1930–1999)Terrace 1982–1983 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
Terrace 1982–1983 Roy Bizley (1930–1999)Terrace 1982–1983 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
Black Elegy: Untitled 2004 Toby Paterson (b.1974)Black Elegy: Untitled 2004 Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA)
Changing Wall 2006 Eleanor Warren (b.1983)Changing Wall 2006 Coventry University
Jail Break 1980 Derrick Haughton (b.1955)Jail Break 1980 UCL Art Museum
No. 2 Centre of 0/ 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 /0 c.1985? David Proud (b.1953)No. 2 Centre of 0/ 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 /0 c.1985? UCL Art Museum
No. 1 Main Theme 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 3 Rotations: 3 Layers c.1985 (?) David Proud (b.1953)No. 1 Main Theme 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 3 Rotations: 3 Layers c.1985 (?) UCL Art Museum
White Relief No. 13 1962 Garth Evans (b.1934)White Relief No. 13 1962 Rugby Art Gallery and Museum
Oval Abstract c.1951–1953 Kenneth Martin (1905–1984)Oval Abstract c.1951–1953 Hatton Gallery
Grenada 1965 Joe Tilson (b.1928)Grenada 1965 University of Warwick
Cape Red 1965 Jeremy Moon (1934–1973)Cape Red 1965 University of Warwick
String Music 1937 John Banting (1902–1972)String Music 1937 Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, mima
Syntagma, Sg IV 75 1975 Jeffrey Steele (b.1931)Syntagma, Sg IV 75 1975 National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff
Sequence of Six on a Variation of Fifteen late 20th C Eric James Malthouse (1914–1997)Sequence of Six on a Variation of Fifteen late 20th C National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff
Capel Gore Triptych c.1969 Eric James Malthouse (1914–1997)Capel Gore Triptych c.1969 National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff
Teatime, Whitley Bay 1994 Gillian Cronin (b.1961)Teatime, Whitley Bay 1994 Quadrant, North Tyneside Council
Aviator 1967 William Crozier (1930–2011)Aviator 1967 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Polarization 1972 David A. Croft-Smith (b.1934)Polarization 1972 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Summer Garden 1951 William Gear (1915–1997)Summer Garden 1951 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Peninsula 1993 John McLean (1939–2019)Peninsula 1993 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Geometric Abstract Sarah Greengrass (b.1951)Geometric Abstract Dillington House
Walking in Venice 1979 Michael Ginsborg (b.1943)Walking in Venice 1979 York Art Gallery
Study in Green and Red with Black and Brown c.1965 Bryan Illsley (b.1937)Study in Green and Red with Black and Brown c.1965 Royal Albert Memorial Museum
Lisa's Flute 2001 David Bennett (b.1948)Lisa's Flute 2001 Salisbury District Hospital
Tranquil Forms 1962 Kit Barker (1916–1988)Tranquil Forms 1962 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Dark Green with Four 1971 Tess Jaray (b.1937)Dark Green with Four 1971 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Black Panther 1963 Peter Phillips (b.1939)Black Panther 1963 County Hall, Leicestershire County Council Artworks Collection
Message from Rioux 2003 Bonnie Brown (b.1952)Message from Rioux 2003 St George's Hospital
White Still Life with a Red Pear Geoffrey Robinson (b.1945)White Still Life with a Red Pear St George's Hospital
White Still Life with Chianti Geoffrey Robinson (b.1945)White Still Life with Chianti St George's Hospital