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Nude 1960 Neil Shawcross (b.1940)Nude 1960 University of Sheffield
Portrait of the Artist's Mother c.1939 Percy Frederick Horton (1897–1970)Portrait of the Artist's Mother c.1939 Brighton and Hove Museums and Art Galleries
Interior of the Pavilion, Brighton: Indian Army Wounded c.1917 C. H. H. Burleigh (1869–1956)Interior of the Pavilion, Brighton: Indian Army Wounded c.1917 Imperial War Museum London
The Other Half c.1956 Thomas McGoran (b.1927)The Other Half c.1956 People’s Palace and Winter Gardens
Seated Figure Roger de Grey (1918–1995)Seated Figure Laing Art Gallery
Standing Female Fred Barnfield (1935–2013)Standing Female Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery
Mrs Green 1930 Richard Ernst Eurich (1903–1992)Mrs Green 1930 Southampton City Art Gallery
Head On 2004 Vanessa SmithHead On 2004 Durham County Council
Iron Bed Fence 1956 Alan Price (1926–2002)Iron Bed Fence 1956 Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum
Dawn 1974 Jessica GregoryDawn 1974 Stockport Heritage Services
Putting on the Slipper c.1955 James Henry Govier (1910–1974)Putting on the Slipper c.1955 Colchester and Ipswich Museums Service: Ipswich Borough Council Collection
Untitled 1956 Sylvia Wishart (1936–2008)Untitled 1956 Art & Heritage Collections, Robert Gordon University
A Nurse Attending the Wounded in a Soviet Military Hospital c.1962 Sophia Uranova (1910–2000)A Nurse Attending the Wounded in a Soviet Military Hospital c.1962 Wellcome Collection
Scene in a Bedchamber c.1700 British SchoolScene in a Bedchamber c.1700 Victoria and Albert Museum
An Anxious Hour 1865 Alexander Farmer (1825–1869)An Anxious Hour 1865 Victoria and Albert Museum
The Dream of Eilean Thiriodh 1950–1980 Ian Fleming (1906–1994)The Dream of Eilean Thiriodh 1950–1980 University of Aberdeen
Interior of Sir Richard Burton's Bedroom Albert Letchford (1866–1905)Interior of Sir Richard Burton's Bedroom Orleans House Gallery
Nude Trevor Felcey (b.1945)Nude Franklin College
Crib 1992 Alexander Guy (b.1962)Crib 1992 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Domenica 1993 Barbara Balmer (1929–2017)Domenica 1993 New Walk Museum & Art Gallery
The King and the Monk 1909 William George Simmonds (1876–1968)The King and the Monk 1909 Museum of Gloucester
Jane II Carel Victor Morlais Weight (1908–1997)Jane II Bournemouth & Poole College
Interior of a Roman Dwelling 1997 Peter Froste (b.1935)Interior of a Roman Dwelling 1997 Sandy Town Council Offices
Polish Interior 1909 Stanislawa de Karlowska (1876–1952)Polish Interior 1909 Southampton City Art Gallery
Good Morning c.1931 Hugh Adam Crawford (1898–1982)Good Morning c.1931 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
Reclining Nude (II) 1955 William Brooker (1918–1983)Reclining Nude (II) 1955 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
The Dome of the Royal Pavilion as a Hospital for Indian Soldiers c.1915 C. H. H. Burleigh (1869–1956)The Dome of the Royal Pavilion as a Hospital for Indian Soldiers c.1915 Brighton and Hove Museums and Art Galleries
Awakening (Il risveglio) c.1948 Fausto Pirandello (1899–1975)Awakening (Il risveglio) c.1948 Tate
Studio Visit, a Northern School 1995 Francis Convery (b.1956)Studio Visit, a Northern School 1995 Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums
A Woman in Bed Extinguishing a Candle Arnold Boonen (1669–1729) (attributed to)A Woman in Bed Extinguishing a Candle Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
Charity: Interior with Figures Luigi Zuccoli (1815–1876)Charity: Interior with Figures V&A Museum of Childhood
Venus of Urbino Godfrey Sykes (1824–1866)Venus of Urbino Victoria and Albert Museum
Interior with Nude Ruskin Spear (1911–1990)Interior with Nude Usher Gallery
The Doctor's Visit 2000 Paul John Reid (b.1975)The Doctor's Visit 2000 University of Aberdeen
Segregation Cell 1993 William A. RossSegregation Cell 1993 National Justice Museum
Dawn Bernard Dunstan (1920–2017)Dawn Darlington Library
Young Nude Girl 1960 Euan Uglow (1932–2000)Young Nude Girl 1960 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC)
The Pharaoh's Dream 1911 Margaret Gere (1878–1965)The Pharaoh's Dream 1911 The Wilson
Patchwork 1980 Louis Turpin (b.1947)Patchwork 1980 Towner
The Death of a Cavalier's Wife 1919 Eugene SibendtThe Death of a Cavalier's Wife 1919 The Captain Christie Crawfurd English Civil War Collection