The Collector's House and Canal near Newry

Image credit: Armagh County Museum

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A depiction of a single-masted sailing vessel moored and being unloaded into a low wheeled cart to the right of centre, apparently moored in a basin to the right of the canal which swings left of centre towards the Newry river. Above the river is a large house behind a wall, and in the background centre are the Carlingford Bay and Fathom Mountain. In the left foreground are three women washing clothes at the water's edge while further away a man is driving a cow. All in subdued greens, browns, blues and greys and pinks.

Armagh County Museum


The Collector's House and Canal near Newry




watercolour on paper


H 15 x W 22 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased, 1980

Work type

Drawing & watercolour


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Armagh County Museum

The Mall East, County Armagh BT61 9BE Northern Ireland

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