The Israelites Led by the Pillar of Fire by Night

Image credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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A rocky, desert-like landscape, with light-coloured rocks forming cliffs on the left and right sides of the picture. The foreground shows huge slabs of rock. In the middle ground stands Moses, preaching to the Israelites, who are gathered below him. The line of people, and there are thousands of them, stretches back, on the left, into the distance. In the centre of the scene, to the right of Moses, is the pillar of fire, which descends from the cloudy sky to touch the earth. The whole picture is illuminated by it, except for the distant left corner, which shows a blood red sky, and a darkened landscape.

Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery



The Israelites Led by the Pillar of Fire by Night




oil on canvas


H 66.7 x W 101 cm

Accession number

NCM 1952-46

Acquisition method

purchased from Mrs Lucy West, 1952

Work type


Normally on display at

Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery

Friar Lane, off Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG1 6EL England

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