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Tucking a School of Pilchards (The Tuck Boat)

Image credit: Penlee House Gallery & Museum

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This shows seine fishing, a method of catching pilchards by then rarely used in Mount's Bay. Craft chose the subject as it involved a large group, which enabled him to include many Newlyn rioters. Some 'ringleaders' were recognised by their clothes: William Tonkin (then about 60) 'had on a guernsey with braces over it', Thomas Harvey (aged 41) 'a black cap and a knitted jersey', and Alfred Green (22) 'a white blouse and peaked cap', and there are figures matching their age and description in this painting. Originally, many of those depicted were named on the back of the painting, including suspected rioter William Maddern, and Henry Kitchen is the second man front right.

In 1896, Craft was a lay assistant to Reverend James Sims Carah and may have been the 'stalwart artist who carried a stout cudgel and seemed fit for any fray' during the riot on 20 May.

Penlee House Gallery & Museum



Tucking a School of Pilchards (The Tuck Boat)




oil on canvas


H 143.5 x W 212 cm

Accession number

PEZPH : 1989.51

Acquisition method


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Penlee House Gallery & Museum

Morrab Road, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4HE England

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